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Cancellation Policies

Listed below is a quick overview of what you need to know about scheduling appointments at Missile Studios. It's super important to understand your duties and obligations as the client to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently in regards to you working relationship with us.

Understanding appointment responsibilities

Deposit (time slot purchase)

  • To confirm your appointment at our studio, you'll need to purchase a time slot for just $99. This amount will be fully credited towards the total cost of the package you have chosen. The remaining balance, labeled as 'Pay Later,' indicates the remaining amount you will pay on the day of your shoot.

  • Your $99 payment secures your desired time slot from our calendar, ensuring no one else can purchase or reserve it.

  • Once you have purchased a time slot, it is considered a final sale as it will no longer be available for others to fill.


  • Rescheduling is restricted to two instances. Please be aware that a $25 fee will be levied on each occasion. A third rescheduling attempt will result in the cancellation of the original appointment. To be placed back on the schedule, a new appointment must be made accompanied by a new deposit. Take note that your initial deposit will not be refunded. Both rescheduling and cancellation restrictions apply.


  • Credit or Debit Card: To complete the transaction, we require the presence of the card owner who must present a valid ID.

Please take a moment to review our Terms & Policies contract, which outlines the specific details that you will be agreeing to upon booking our service.

More Info


Being punctual is of utmost importance when attending appointments. Arriving on time allows for a seamless flow and prevents unnecessary delays and loss of camera time.


To make the most of an appointment, it is essential to come prepared. 


Clear and effective communication with our studio is key if you are attending your appointment early, or late.

Respect and Courtesy

Respecting the your photographers time is vital to maintaining a positive and productive session.


Taking responsibility for your commitments is an important aspect of appointment responsibilities. If unable to attend or fulfill a scheduled appointment, individuals should notify Missile Studios promptly. This allows for us to plan accordingly and opens up the opportunity for us to apply necessary adjustments needed.

By understanding and adhering to these appointment responsibilities, clients can ensure a positive experience for all involved parties.

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